Health & Safety
ArmourCo’s comprehensive Health & Safety program is focused on upholding the highest safety standards as mandated through
OHSA, and provides protection from project delays and costly fines.

When it comes to large reserve fund projects, safety hazards are everywhere.
There are many contractors who are eager to carry out large projects, but only a select few are qualified to do so safely.
The responsibility falls on management and the board to only invite contractors with formal Health & Safety program in place, to bid on projects
Ensuring The Health & Safety Of
Residents And Employees
Every project is overseen by A Construction Health & Safety Officer.

Benefits of a Construction Health and Safety Officer:
Develop & Conduct Safety Training
Workers on your site will be fully trained and up-to-date on latest Health & Safety practices.
Ensure Trades Are Compliant
Avoid the risk of having non-compliant, non-registered trades on-site.
Consult With Management And Board On Safety Matters
Help managers and directors navigate and understand their obligations under OHSA.
Ensure The Site Is Safe For Workers And Residents
Hazards are identified and clearly marked through notices and signage so that workers feel safe on the job, and residents feel safe in their home.
Avoid Safety-Related Liability Concerns
Maintain full compliance with OHSA regulations, and avoid liability concerns