Commercial Carpet Maintenance – By Zeke Margaritis

by | Nov 15, 2023 | Ask the Expert, Knowledge Base

Cleaning is a task that very few enjoy doing, however, proper maintenance can lead to increased durability and performance of your commercial flooring.

It’s essential that before any cleaning begins a cleaning plan and process for the building or specific spaces are implemented. A building should be mapped out and each corridor or space broken down into one of three categories: light, moderate and heavy use. Each category will have a different cleaning process as well as schedule. To the right is an example of what a carpet cleaning map could look like.

Once you have your space mapped out a rule to always keep in mind is the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule is to spend 80% of your time and resources on only 20% of the carpet. The idea is to stop the spread of dirt and debris before it’s had the chance to spread throughout the building. This can include daily vacuuming, specially designed entrances that work to move debris and water to a certain location so it can be easily cleaned and not tracked through the building. The addition of specialty mats such as scraper mats that are designed to remove debris before you ever enter the building have shown to help keep carpets cleaner throughout the space.

Not every building is similar, and we understand that some of the suggestions above aren’t possible for all. What every building should strive to do is have a plan such as the one below:

Each building will undergo a different process but having an understanding of how much maintenance your building will need can go a long way. Having a cleaning schedule will help to reduce costs for the building while also increasing the durability and performance of the carpet thus increasing the value of the building.

If you’re interested in which carpet to pick and why check out my past two blogs on carpet choices and TARR ratings of carpet.

Be on the lookout next Tuesday for the final instalment of my carpet series on the 5 myths of carpet.